Digital Travel APAC 2018
Event URL: Click Here
Transforming Asian Digital Travel. Together.
The Conference Destination For eCommerce And Digital Leaders in APAC’s Travel Industry
“The best travel conference in the market – you can’t afford to miss it”
– Dyson Yu, Vice President, Digital Marketing and eCommerce, Dream Cruises
Digital Travel Summit is APAC’s leading digital event for travel, hospitality and leisure executives. Learn how to take your digital, eCommerce and customer experience strategies to the next level with enhanced personalization at every touch-point. Combining inspirational case studies from pioneers with dozens of small-group, peer-to-peer learning formats, Digital Travel Summit APAC delivers a practical roadmap for every challenge & opportunity you face.
Unearth solutions to all of your top challenges:
1. Drive digital innovation: Inspire your colleagues with AI powered chat and conversational commerce that guides consumers through the purchase and planning process
2. Perfect customer experience: Create a seamless cross-device UX for your customers evolving shopping habits
3. Discover content that really converts: Turbo-charge your offering by delivering personalised content that provides differentiation and real customer engagement
4. Execute an effective omnichannel marketing strategy: Put together a multi-channel marketing campaign that delights your customers and increases direct bookings
5. Master mobile marketing: Leverage the 24/7 digital shop window to increase product discovery
6. Become truly personal: Build 1-2-1 customer relationships with relevant product recommendations
7. Make payments easy: Achieve one-click customer checkout and remove buying blockers on mobile
8. Get a seat at the C-suite table: Attain effective multi-functional collaboration and rise quickly within your organization