DCOM Code of Ethics


The Digital Commerce Association of the Philippines, recognizing that companies engaged in digital commerce assume certain responsibilities toward customers arising out of the personal-contact method of distribution of their products and services, hereby sets forth the basic fair and ethical principles and practices to which member companies of the association will continue to adhere in the conduct of their business.

Code of Ethics – Digital Commerce Association of the Philippines

The mission of the Digital Commerce Association of the Philippines is to:

» Support and encourage growth of online business excellence.

» Promote high ethical standards and business practices within the Digital Commerce Association.

» Foster the growth and understanding of “getting your business online” to the general public

In furtherance of one of its purposes, the promotion of high ethical standards and business practices within the online community, DCOM hereby adopts the following Code of Ethics. By its adoption the association restates its commitment to this purpose of the association and pledges its efforts in adhering to the principles set forth in the DCOM CODE OF ETHICS.

DCOM members are committed to adhering to generally recognized fair business practices, treating all with honesty, dignity and respect, candor, cooperation and decency and open communication.

DCOM member will honor the property rights of others including copyrights and patents, and will not knowingly support or participate in the infringement or violation of such intellectual property rights.

DCOM member will strive to provide clear, relevant and accurate information in all business dealings.

DCOM members will honor contracts and agreements with customers, employees, suppliers, colleagues, and vendors.

DCOM members are dedicated to providing our customers with reliable, quality and safe products.

DCOM members will provide clear, relevant and accurate product care and use information to our customers.

DCOM members pledge to maintain fair and accurate advertising.

DCOM members pledge to deliver what we promise to our customers.

DCOM members will not knowingly misrepresent products for sale and will support and comply with all rules, regulations and laws relating to this sale.

DCOM members will maintain the confidentiality of DCOM information that non-members would not be privy to, unless and until they become members of DCOM, except as authorized by the board of directors.

Through identification as a member of DCOM, it should be a member’s sense of duty to other members of DCOM to honor the collective agreements of the group, including this Code of Ethics. A Commitment to the Code of Ethics is expected of every DCOM member.

DCOM members will not misrepresent themselves as officers of DCOM or having the full weight of the organization behind themselves unless authorized to do so.

DCOM members will not represent their personal positions as those of the association without prior action or specific authorization of the association.

DCOM Member companies shall establish, publicize and implement complaint handling procedures to ensure prompt resolution of all complaints. The member company shall promptly investigate the complaint and shall take such steps as it may find appropriate and necessary under the circumstances to cause the redress of any wrongs which its investigation discloses to have been committed.

Warranties and Guarantees

DCOM members will abide by The terms of any warranty or guarantee they offer in connection with the sale of goods shall be furnished to the buyer in a manner that fully conforms to DTI warranty and and regulations. The manufacturer, distributor and/or seller shall fully and promptly perform in accordance with the terms of all warranties and guarantees offered to consumers.

DCOM Member companies shall conduct their activities toward other members in compliance with this Code and all pertinent laws.